Health Insurance in Canada – Benefits and Features

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Health Insurance in Canada

Going to the dentist or doctor costs a lot of money for everyone. It is the case no matter the age, sex, or lifestyle. Without good coverage, you can put yourself up for high expenses. Thus, it’s best to know more about the different types of health insurance. It also includes the varying coverages they provide. Here is everything you need to know about health insurance according to medical and dental insurance in Canada.

Health Insurance in Canada

Medical and dental insurance

Canada’s health insurance, Medicare, covers those who live in Canada. It mainly runs from public funding. However, it doesn’t cover travelers to Canada. It also doesn’t cover those who do not live in Canada. Thus, if you are just traveling to Canada for whatever reason, you need to have a travel medical and dental insurance.

Medical and dental insurance is typically separate. It is because most health insurance doesn’t cover dental work. Thus, many choose to get the insurance that gives you both. It will save you money in the future.

1. Expenses of Medical and Dental Care in Canada

Contrary to what you might think, Canada’s health insurance is not free. Its citizens and residents pay for their healthcare through their taxes. Statistics say that a typical Canadian family will pay up to $11,786 for healthcare. Moreover, the total healthcare expenses in Canada is around $7,000 per person in 2019. That is just a lot of money.

Expenses of Medical and Dental Care in Canada

Meanwhile, it’s important to note that those numbers do not even cover dental care yet. Canadians pay extra for their dental health care. It is through private insurance as medical insurance does not cover it. According to the State of Oral Health in Canada, about 60% of dental service expenses come from private insurance. Meanwhile, the rest pay using money from their pockets.

In general, Medicare provides about 70% of Canadians’ health care needs. Meanwhile, private insurance sectors provide the rest of the 30%.

Why do I need medical and dental insurance?

If you already have health insurance, you may wonder why you still need a travel medical and dental insurance. This is because your basic health insurance won’t give you coverage when you travel. Travel medical and dental insurance offers you wide coverage and services. It includes dental services, vision, prescription drugs, ambulance services, etc.

Your usual medical insurance does not cover dental services. The reason for this is discussed in the next sections. Going to the dentist is simply expensive. Let’s not forget how your dental health can affect your overall health. It calls for you to not only get medical insurance but dental health insurance as well. The best medical and dental insurance plans in Canada protect you from great financial risks; even if you are traveling.

How does it work?

Having health insurance is quite a standard. However, many are still unaware of how it works. Long story short, insurances protect you from the high costs of healthcare. Depending on the type of insurance, it may or may not cover both medical and dental care.

An example

For example, you got into a terrible car accident while traveling. From the scene of the accident, an ambulance brought you to the hospital. Then, you were brought to the emergency room and seen by a bunch of healthcare workers. Furthermore, in the process, an array of tests and scans were also performed. From the minute you were brought to the hospital to the moment you get out, you incur tons of medical expenses. It amounted to $50,000.

Let’s say you do not have coverage from any type of medical insurance. It means you will have to pay $50,000 out of pocket. That’s simply a large amount of money to shell out in just one go. If you have no spare money in the bank, it can certainly put you in debt. However, if you have an insurance plan, you are protected from this high cost, for the most part.

In this case, your insurance may not provide coverage for all procedures and services. It includes ambulance costs. It also includes prescription drugs you need to take at home. Moreover, there are more services that you need to pay for when hospitalized.

Health Insurance
Medical vs. Dental insurance
Type of Insurance Inclusions Exclusions


  • Hospitalization
  • Check-up
  • Lab tests
  • Doctor fees
  • Ambulance
  • Drugs
  • Dental services


  • Regular cleaning
  • Fillings
  • Tooth extraction
    Other preventive services
  • Cosmetic services
  • Periodontics

In general, medical insurance focuses on unexpected care you may need. It may be in the form of an accident, injury, or sudden illnesses. Moreover, it may also cover your regular annual check-ups and lab test costs.

Meanwhile, dental insurance focuses on prevention. It assumes that you are watchful of your dental health. It means that whenever something comes up, you are diligent enough to stop it before it begins. Moreover, it also covers preventive procedures like regular cleaning and check-ups.

Unfortunately, most medical insurance does not cover dental work in full, if at all. Thus, you may need to supplement your existing insurance with dental insurance. However, the best thing to do is to get insurance that gives wide coverage for both medical and dental issues when you travel.

Types of Medical and dental insurance in Canada

It is best to know what types of insurance there are. It is so you can better understand how medical and dental insurance in Canada works. The insurance type you will get depends on your current living and working situation and other needs and preferences.


Type of Insurance Features
1. Individual Health insurance for the self-employed or those who want additional coverage
2. Group or Employee Benefits Health insurance those who are employed
3. Travel Medical Provides health and dental insurance for travelers (both leisure and business)
4. Visitors to Canada Ideal for immigrants and visitors to Canada
5. Disability Protection from financial risk or loss due to disability
6. Critical Illness Provides additional coverage in medical emergencies
7. Dental Provides comprehensive coverage for dental services

1. Individual Health Insurance

It is also known as personal health insurance. This type of insurance covers what your provincial medical insurance doesn’t cover. It is the health insurance you purchase for yourself. There are plenty of benefits to having individual health insurance.

It includes flexibility and freedom when it comes to the policy. Moreover, you only choose and pay for the coverage that you need. It is a choice for those who are not eligible for group insurance. It is also an option for those who wish to keep their policy after leaving a company.

2. Group Insurance (Employee Benefits)

Group health insurance is the type of insurance you get from your employer. It is often referred to as group insurance. It is because the company avails insurance for its employees. Often, they buy it for a lower price than what you would pay for it individually.

Thus, the policy owner is typically the employer or a company that purchases it for its employees. Moreover, with this insurance type, you can get upgrades for your existing employee benefits if you wish to widen your coverage.

3. Travel Medical Insurance

This insurance provides coverage for unexpected medical expenses whenever you travel. Whether you’re traveling for business or vacation, you want to make sure you’re protected. Most give you the option to choose coverage for a single trip or multiple trips, depending on your lifestyle and needs.

Travel Medical Insurance

Furthermore, you can also get coverage for your whole family. Some also cover non-medical expenses such as trip cancellations or interruptions and baggage loss. Many problems can arise while traveling. Thus, you want protection from the high costs you may face when these happen.

Remember that when you are traveling to Canada, you won’t have free healthcare. If you get into an accident, you need to pay for the costs. Also remember that in Canada, it could get very expensive. It is why you need good travel medical insurance. It will save you a lot of money in bad situations.

4. Visitors to Canada Benefits

Health and dental insurance in Canada only cover those who live in Canada. Thus, this type of insurance is highly beneficial for new immigrants or visitors. It is regardless of whether they are in Canada for business or vacation. Benefits include hospital costs, ambulance fees, doctor fees, drug costs, etc. Moreover, this also applies in the event of an accident or unexpected illness.

5. Disability Insurance

This insurance provides payment in the event of an illness or accident that causes permanent disability. Depending on the insurance coverage, the insured may receive payment whether or not the person can work due to disability. Meanwhile, most disability insurance only pays out if the disability results in full or partial loss of wages.

Disability Insurance
Disability Insurance

6. Critical Illness Benefits

This insurance type protects from any critical illness conditions covered. The policy typically lists all of the covered critical illness conditions. Some of the common conditions include cancer, stroke, and heart attack. As these conditions can amount to thousands of dollars in medical costs, these benefits typically payout in cash.

7. Dental Insurance

This insurance provides pay for any kind of dental work you would need. It covers any issues concerning mouth and gums. However, it is best to check your policy to find out which procedures and services are covered. Going to the dentist can cost you a lot of money. A simple toothache may cost you hundreds to thousands of dollars to treat. Other things may go wrong, too.

Typically, dental insurance does not cover cosmetic dental procedures such as teeth whitening. Furthermore, some major procedures are not covered in full. For example, your insurance may only cover a certain percentage for expensive procedures such as dentures or crowns. You also want to take a look at the maximum coverage per year.

How You Can Benefit from Health Insurance If You’re Traveling

There are many ways you can benefit from having both travel health and dental insurance. Some of them may already seem obvious, while others may still be unknown to others. Foreigners highly benefit from these. It is because they don’t have protection in case of accidents.

Health Insurance

1. It saves you from unexpected expenses.

Often, unexpected medical illnesses and injuries are the most expensive. With health and dental insurance, you are protecting yourself from getting into a large amount of debt. With the right coverage, you will end up paying a lot less than you normally would.

2. It saves you from drug expenses.

When you’re traveling, you can get in an accident or get hospitalized for an illness. Prescription medications you may need to take at home are usually expensive. With a travel medical and dental insurance, you can protect yourself from these expenses.

3. It provides coverage for services your universal health care may not provide for free.

We all know how dental health affects our overall health. However, normal insurance may not provide enough coverage for it even if it is expensive. Thus, health and dental insurance give the extended coverage you need for your dental health.

Apart from dental health, your typical insurance also does not cover vision health. Regular eye or vision check-ups and exams are vital to your health. Thus, you must get coverage for expenses you may incur for these services. You never know when you need a new pair of contacts or glasses while traveling.

There is a waiting period before you get health coverage.

If you’re an immigrant, it may take a while before you get coverage from Canada’s government healthcare. This varies depending on the province you’re immigrating to. Thus, you will need a special travel medical and dental insurance to cover healthcare costs.

Canadian hospitals recognize Canadian travel health insurance.

We’ve already discussed how travel health insurance helps you pay for healthcare costs while traveling. However, it’s important to note that it is because Canadian hospitals only recognize insurance from Canadian companies. Reimbursements are a bit tedious if you have a non-Canadian insurance.

Who should get Canadian travel insurance?

Essentially, Canadian visitors, newly landed immigrants, or those with a Supervisa are all highly encouraged to get Canadian travel insurance. This will provide them coverage in all Canadian provinces and territories.

How to Claim Travel Health Insurance in Canada

Now it’s time to claim benefits from your health and dental insurance. You want to have a smooth and hassle-free experience as much as possible. After all, you have paid for the insurance diligently. Therefore, you are expecting to receive the benefits you deserve. If you have insurance with any of the best medical and dental insurance plans in Canada, this process shouldn’t be too much of a hassle.

1. Knowing your policy

Knowing this is probably something you should have done before you even need to claim for insurance. However, many insurance holders are not fully aware of these. Thus, if possible, it is best to read up on it. It will give you an idea of what the covered services or procedures are.

2. Submission of claims for travel insurance

To claim your insurance, you need to submit a form to your insurance company. Nowadays, insurance companies have made it a lot easier to submit claims. It is possible in a variety of ways.

Health Insurance

3. Online

Most insurance companies allow you to do this online. The exact process depends on your insurance plan provider. You can submit a claim on their website using your online account and password. Ideally, you should already have set up an online account on their website. There, you can access the online application and fill out accordingly.

4. Traditional mail

You can still submit claims through paper mail or snail mail. If you do not have forms on hand, you may download them on the company’s website. Then, you can mail the forms, as well as other additional documents that are required. This route may take a bit longer than if you do it online.

5. Provider-submitted claims

Most insurance companies allow others to file the claim. It means that you will do nothing to file. The doctors or nurses will be the ones to submit claims on your behalf. It is the easiest route since they know the best ways possible to do so.

Depending on the company, you may need to present a paper (whether printed online or given to you in hard copy) to your doctor or dentist. It will contain all of the necessary steps they need to do on your behalf.

6. Call

If all else fails, you can always give them a quick call. It should guide you on the steps to submitting an insurance claim.


If you’re a foreigner or visitor planning to travel to Canada, you should look into health and dental insurance. It is because you are not entitled to free health services as a foreigner. Thus, you are required to pay for hospital and medicine costs. With an insurance, you can protect yourself from a great financial risk.


1. I have a chronic illness. Am I still eligible for a travel medical and dental insurance?

You can still get covered by an insurance even if you have an existing medical condition.

2. How long will I get covered by my insurance?

Consult with your insurance provider about how many days/weeks/months you are covered. This varies depending on the insurance plan you get.

3. What if I need to stay longer in Canada than I intended to? Will I still get covered?

If your length of stay exceeds the time period that you are covered, you can extend your plan by giving your insurance provider a call before the plan expires.

4. When should I buy a travel medical and dental insurance?

You should get coverage before you book your trip to Canada. However, you can still get insurance once you land.

5. Do I need to bring my insurance policy with me when I travel?

Yes. Ideally, you should bring all insurance documents with you when you travel to Canada.


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