6 Things You Can Do to Get Access to Cash During a Pandemic

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6 Things You Can Do to Get Access to Cash During a Pandemic

In this post you can find how to Get Access to Cash During a Pandemic. 6 Things You Can Do.

The 2020 pandemic is yet to end and people are already losing jobs with the unemployment rate expected to exceed the 13% mark.

This has left many people worried as most Canadians have less than $900 in their emergency fund. If you’re struggling financially then know that there are ways out.

In this article, we’ll talk about things you can do to get access to cash during a pandemic. Let’s have a look:

#1 Save Money and Reduce Expenses

To Get Access to Cash, most of us are already spending less due to the pandemic as there are fewer trips to your favorite place. However, if you’re still finding it difficult to make ends meet then have a look at your budget and get rid of what you do not need.

Here are a few things you can do to save money:

  • The average person has access to about 4 subscription channels. To Get Access to Cash, you can save up to $40 by getting rid of what you do not need. This might not be much but it can make a lot of difference in the long-run.

To Get Access to Cash, some may suggest cancelling all subscriptions but that may not be the best idea especially if you have already cut the cord. It is important to have a source of entertainment to keep you occupied so that you do not get upset or depressed.

The current situation can leave people anxious. TV shows and movies can be a good escape so do not give up on this altogether. If you must cancel all paid subscriptions then look for free options.

To Get Access to Cash, you will find a bunch of movies, songs, and shows on YouTube for free. Consider enjoying those. Alternatively, you can try subscription services that offer limited free options.

WWE Network, for example, offers some events for free. Netflix and other similar companies offer 1-month trials. You can sign up for a trial and cancel your subscription before the renewal date.

To be sure you’re not wasting any money, have a look at your bank statement and identify transactions you do not recognize.

Believe it or not, a lot of people do not know the number of subscriptions they have. Since most subscription providers have recurring payments, it is common for subscribers to forget about it.

Review your records and take the right step.

  • Avoid take out and cook at home. You can save about $16 per meal by cooking at home. You can cook delicious meals at home.

To make up for the missing ambiance, you can play soft music and pay attention to the lights. To Get Access to Cash, also, remember that presentation matters as well.

Check online recipes and prepare meals that you and others around you enjoy so that you can have a good time together. Delish and All Recipes have some detailed recipes with ingredients, step by step instructions, and images.

Have a look at this link if you are into vegan food. You will find some great resources and recipes here.

Try to enjoy cooking, listen to music while preparing your next meal so that you do not find it taxing. You will eventually begin to enjoy it once you see the benefits.

Cooking your own meal helps save money in a lot of ways. You’re less likely to fall sick if you eat home cooked food. Hence, you will have to spend less on medicines and bills.

A large number of diseases including small illnesses such as food poisoning are linked to diet. By eating home cooked food, you will most probably be able to avoid these and save money.

In addition to all this, you can also consider growing your own fruits and vegetables. You can start a small kitchen garden, grow fruits and veggies in a container, or turn to your backyard.

You’ll have to save your produce from predators, i.e: birds and other animals.

While it’s a great way to save money, it can take a while for plants to bear fruits, hence this option may not be suitable if you’re in a cash crunch. Some fruits and vegetables, however, are quick to grow.

If you sow tomato seeds today, you’d enjoy fresh tomatoes in less than two months. To Get Access to Cash, , the same goes for basil, mint, and some other commonly used herbs.

Have a look at this gardening guide for some great tips on getting started.

If you do not want to grow plants in your home then you can turn to community gardens that are typically managed by communities. Most Canadian cities including Montreal and Ottawa have community gardens.

Get in touch with your provider to discuss your options. This is a fast way to save money. However, make sure to be clear about when you’re expected to make your next payment as a delay can lead to problems.

  • According to Statistics Canada, the average household in the country spends about $7,172 per month on common household expenses. You can reduce this amount by keeping an eye on energy consumption.

Do not run the heater when you do not need it, use appliances that save energy, and avoid using what you do not need.

  • Consider getting rid of what you cannot afford, i.e: if you live in a big house then look for a smaller house. Shifting homes can be troublesome but it can save you a lot of money.

You will have to pay less in rent and utilities. Rentals are cheap these days due to a lack of international students and travelers. You will be able to find a great property at a lower rate on platforms like Rentals, Rentboard, and  4rent.

Moreover, you can look for room sharing opportunities if you live alone. Kijiji and Zumper have some good options. This can reduce your expenditure by half. However, make sure to pick the right option.

Try to look for a property that includes utilities and parking so that you’re in control of your funds. Also, avoid long contracts as you might want to move out once things get okay.

  • It can be costly to keep a car, consider getting rid of your vehicle and opt for more affordable options like carpooling. You can save up to $500 by doing so.

All these steps can help you save money that can be used to cover other expenses.

#2 Sell What You Don’t Need To Get Access to Cash

You can sell everything from used clothes to furniture to your art. Look for websites like eBay and Craigslist to find buyers.

You can also hold a garage sale but it may not be the best option due to the current situation.

Selling online might be slower but it will be safer for everyone involved.

You can be a certified Amazon seller and make money. If this works out well, you can even continue to sell online once everything settles down.

The job can be handled virtually without any trouble, however, you may have to sell goods at a lower price due to the emergency situation but it can be worth a try.

#3 Work from Home as A Freelancer To Get Access to Cash

It is possible to earn money while staying at home. Here are some options:

  • Choose to be a freelancer. You can be a writer, graphics designer, web developer, consultant, etc.

The freelancing market is huge and there are jobs for everyone. Join a platform like Fiverr or UpWork, make a kickass profile, and start applying for jobs.

It can be a little difficult to get your first job especially if you have no experience.

Show clients why they should hire you and choose a feasible rate (hourly or fixed).

Freelancers can earn between $15 to $40 per hour based on skills and other such factors.

  • Use your social media followers to earn money by becoming an influencer.

If you have 10,000 or more followers on Instagram or YouTube then you can join a platform like Afluencer and find companies looking for influencers to market their products and services.

You can earn about $50 per post if you have 10,000 followers. Influencers with more than 100,000 followers can earn up to $500 per post.

#4 Earn Money Using What You Have To Get Access to Cash

If you are too busy to work then consider these options:

  • Rent out your parking space and earn about $10 per hour. Parking is expensive in Canada and people with homes in congested areas can earn up to $150 per month by renting out their space. Look for opportunities on platforms like Rover Parking and Kijiji.
  • We talked about moving to a smaller house earlier in this article, but not everyone may be willing to leave their home. If such is the case, consider renting out a portion of your home on the internet. You can put it on Airbnb or other such sites. Highlight the pros of living in your house and vicinity and click good photos to attract buyers. Sharing this information on social media might be of help as well.
  • You can advertise on your vehicle. Companies pay between $300 and $1,200 per campaign. Each campaign can last between 4 weeks to 4 months. You will be provided vinyl stickers that can be applied and removed without causing harm to the vehicle. This option, however, might not be very effective in these times since marketing companies require cars to be driven a certain distance to be eligible. Since a lot of people are not driving these days, not everyone might be eligible. Still, have a look at Carvertise for some good opportunities.
  • Monetize your website or social media accounts if you have a decent number of followers. YouTube, for example, requires 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 followers (minimum) to qualify. Look at Adwords and other platforms to know more.

In addition to these options, you can turn to local communities for help, get a part-time job, take money out of your savings or retirement accounts, and borrow money from a loved one.

Whatever you do, make sure to remain in control of your finances and live within your means.

Note: There might be tax implications based on how much you make and how. Get in touch with an expert so that you do not get into trouble. Remember that all income has to be reported.

#5 Get Government Benefits To Get Access to Cash

Despite coming with extended hold times, this option is worth a try. The Canada Emergency Response Benefit program is designed to provide perks to the unemployed by offering $2,000 monthly payments.

Check if you’re eligible under the program. It extends to self-employed individuals and contract workers as well. You must be a resident and at least 15 years of age to qualify for the program. There are also other requirements. Check the official website for more information.

Students can consider the Canada Emergency Student Benefit program. It is designed for graduating students.

Note: Beware of scams and avoid giving personal details to anyone. The government’s not going to call or email you about money.

#6 Apply for a Loan

The purpose of a loan is to make sure you have immediate access to cash. Now can be a good time to apply for a loan since interest rates are falling. However, make sure to be very careful when applying for loans as a failure to clear your debt can lead to problems.

Opt for this option only if you’re sure you’d be able to clear the loan once things fall back into place.

Small loans and credit card advances are your best options as they’re easily available. You can get your loan application approved online in less than 24 hours. We offer online loans and have helped more than 50,000 Canadians.

We work with all kinds of applicants and offer loans up to $25,000. You can also apply for a smaller amount according to your requirements.

Whether you have a good credit score, a bad credit score, or no credit score at all. You can apply for a loan for as long as you have collateral. Go here to apply.

Other good options include credit card cash advances. These can be used if you have a 0% or low promo rate. Remember that all these loans can have an impact on your credit score.

Note: You can also try to go for a credit card with 0% APR. However, remember such offers are for a limited time period.